10 Common Foods That Help Reduce Bloating

Photo by rezkrr from Envato Elements

5. Cilantro

Research shows the herb’s unique blend of oils (specifically, linalool and geranyl acetate) work like over the counter meds to relax digestive muscles and alleviate an “overactive” gut. Also, a study published in the Journal Digestive Diseases and Science found that IBS sufferers benefited from supplementing with an herbal medicine that contained coriander extract (also known as cilantro) as opposed to placebo.

6. Kefir

Kefir is a drinkable yogurt that contains lactase, an enzyme that breaks down lactose, the dominant sugar in milk that gives many people tummy trouble. A study by Ohio State University found that drinking kefir reduced lactose digestion symptoms—including bloating, stomach pain and gas—by 70 percent.

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