Dietitians Say These 12 Restaurant Meals Are Surprisingly High in Salt

Denny’s Wild West Omelette

For an omelette to contain this much sodium, chances are it’s being cooked with lots of extra salt. Even with the seemingly healthy ingredients, like roasted veggies and ham, there is way too much salt in this dish for it not to contain added amounts. Monica Auslander Moreno, MS, RD, LD/N, a nutrition consultant for RSP Nutrition, agrees.

“A traditional omelette with eggs and veggies would have very little sodium so they are likely cooking the veggies in salt. Plus, the addition of ham, which is tremendously salty is the nail in the coffin,” she explains. Moreno also says that the side of hash browns is also probably adding to the tremendous sodium content of the dish. Her recommendation, “Go for an omelette made with a couple of yolks and the rest whites, add in a few veggies of your choosing (they’re probably going to cook them with a lot of salt anyways, beware) and choose a side of fruit (no salt!).”

Nutrition info: 990 calories, 64 g fat (18 g saturated fat), 3,030 mg sodium, 54 g carbohydrate (3 g fiber, 7 g sugar), 47 g protein

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