Genius Tip: Are You Refrigerating These 10 Items? STOP!

Photo by Hryshchyshen Serhii at Shutterstock

Let’s see which of these items you’ve been refrigerating! 

Barbecue Sauces: Your steak is sizzling hot. You shouldn’t dull the heat by slathering it with a cold sauce. Take your bottle of chosen sauce out of the refrigerator before the meal is ready.

All the flavors will meld together better. Also, the vinegar found in hot sauce prevents any bacterial growth. This means that you don’t need to stash it away in the fridge to preserve it.

Plus, its flavor is more powerful when you serve it at room temperature.

Coffee: When you put it in the fridge, the coffee condenses, and its flavor is lost to a great extent. Your best bet is to keep it in an airtight container in your cabinet.

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