9 Surprisingly Good Uses For Salt

Photo by Natali Brillianata at Shutterstock

Clean Your Coffee Maker

While we’re on a cleaning roll, your iron isn’t the only one that can use the love! Remove any coffee stains from the inside of a glass coffee pot by adding one cup of crushed ice, four teaspoons of salt, and one tablespoon of water. Gently swirl it around until it’s clean, and just rinse. Your coffee pot should be at room temperature before using this tip, and don’t do this if the pot is cracked or chipped. You can also restore the shine to a glass flower vase.

  1. Just mix 1/3 cup of salt and two tablespoons of vinegar to form a paste. Apply this mix to the inside of your vase and let it stand for about 20 minutes. Rinse the vase and dry.
  2. For a larger vase, just double or triple the quantity of the paste.
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