Clean your Iron
Using salt to clean your iron is a simple and effective way to get out stains and protect the iron for years. Using large grain salt, you can iron over them to remove stains. You can achieve additional stain-removing power when combining salt with materials like newspapers, ammonia, and aluminum foil. Here are some tips!
- Turn on your iron to a higher setting and let it warm up, leaving it a few moments for the iron to reach its highest level of heat.
- Take a few paper towels and fold them together until you get a compact square about the size of a CD case. Pour some salt, around one tablespoon, onto the paper towel.
- Once your iron is has heated up, run the iron over the paper towel with the salt in it. Spend a minute or two doing this, which should clean the bottom of the iron thoroughly. The dirt sticks typically to the salt, leaving you with a clean and shiny iron.