9 Essential Vitamins Your Body Needs Daily

Photo by KaryB from Shutterstock

Vitamin C deficiency can result in a severe condition called scurvy. Scurvy’s symptoms are gum swelling, corkscrew hairs, poor wound healing, and tiredness. However, this condition is really rare in our country, as your body needs only a small amount of this vitamin to prevent it.

Now maybe you’re wondering if you can “overdose” on vitamin C. Short and concise: YES, you can. Unlike vitamin A, vitamin C is not stored in your body, meaning that the excess will be eliminated through urine. A large intake of vitamin C has serious side effects like diarrhea, nausea, stomach cramps, and it can even lead to kidney stones.

That’s why people with poor kidney function should avoid high doses of vitamin C. If you’re a man, the recommended daily amount for you is 90 milligrams and, if you’re a woman, the amount is 75 milligrams.

Foods High in Vitamin C

  • Kakadu plums (1 medium plum: 481 mg)
  • Acerola cherries (one-half cup: 822 mg)
  • Rose hips (6 rose hips: 119 mg)
  • Chili peppers (one red chili pepper: 65 mg)
  • Guavas (1 medium guava: 126 mg)
  • Sweet yellow peppers (one-half cup: 75 grams)
  • Blackcurrants (one-half cup: 56 grams)
  • Thyme (one ounce: 28 grams)
  • Parsley (2 tablespoons: 10 mg)
  • Raw kale (one cup: 80 mg)
  • Broccoli (one-half cup: 51 mg)
  • Lemons (1 lemon: 83 mg)
  • Strawberries (one cup: 89 mg)
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