Pumpernickel Bread
Pumpernickel bread is one of the healthiest types of bread out there. It’s typically made with a sourdough starter, to which coarse rye flour gets added. This makes it high in fiber and results in a bread with a low glycemic index, making it much lower in carbs than other common types of bread.
It’s full of resistant starch, so it’s perfect for keeping your digestive system in top shape. And as a plus, it’s also been proven to help reduce your risks of getting breast and prostate cancer. As a bread that is naturally strong in flavor, pumpernickel works best with intensely flavored fillings if you use it in a sandwich, such as a smoked ham with mustard.
Originally from Germany, pumpernickel can be dated back to 1450 and was considered a peasant bread, but today you’ll find it in the finest delis.