21 Foods That Have Next to Zero Calories

Photo by Madeleine Steinbach from Shutterstock


There are some pretty popular varieties of broth like beef, chicken, and vegetable broth, so depending on which type of broth you tend to consume, one cup could contain between 7 and 12 calories. Your base for soups has almost zero calories! Like… who would have thought that something so common could make you lose weight?!

Brussels Sprouts

Another cruciferous veggie listed here (the first one was broccoli) is Brussels sprouts. These mini cabbages can be consumed as you want (whether raw or cooked), and it doesn’t really matter how you choose to eat them since a cup of Brussels sprouts (88 grams) has around 38 calories.

Just like their cousin (broccoli), Brussels sprouts are pretty abundant in vitamin C, too. Besides, studies show that they may even protect against DNA damage.

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