20 Common Foods That Have Way More Salt Than You Think

Photo by paulzhuk from Shutterstock

11. Boxed potato casseroles

Most boxed potato casseroles are a no-no for our health. However, scalloped potatoes, in particular, are the worst of the worst. They have an insane amount of sodium from preservatives and monosodium glutamate.

A half-cup portion of dry scalloped potato mix contains approximately 450 milligrams of sodium. In other words, 19 percent of the RDI. We know they are really convenient but stop buying them. Boxed potato casseroles do more harm than good for your health.

If you want to indulge in nutrients and minerals, opt for baked sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes offer a wide range of vitamins like vitamin A, C, B6, accompanied by essential nutrients such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium. You’ll get all that while keeping your sodium levels in check.

By the way… Is Banana Good or Bad for Diabetics? (Here’s Your Answer!)

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