15 Foods That Can Help You Control Your Diabetes

Photo by Bartosz Luczak from Shutterstock

13. Strawberries

Who would have thought that strawberries are superfoods for people with diabetes? I mean, they are fruits, after all, but they also contain high amounts of the antioxidant known as anthocyanin, which is basically the same antioxidant that gives them their bright red color.

As stated in many studies, anthocyanins are able to minimize cholesterol and insulin levels, especially after meals. The same type of antioxidants can improve blood sugar while minimizing heart disease risk factors in people with type 2 diabetes.

And no, that’s not all. This delicious fruit also contains polyphenols. Due to this type of plant compound, people with diabetes can easily improve their insulin sensitivity. Besides, only one cup of strawberries can give you more than 100 percent of the recommended daily intake for vitamin C.

*Is banana good or bad for diabetics? Here’s Your Answer!

What more could you possibly want from a delicious fruit?

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