12 Delicious Endangered Foods That May Soon Be Obsolete

endangered foods
Photo by ginger_polina_bublik at Shutterstock


Global warming doesn’t just cover increased temperatures and faster melting of polar ice caps. It goes much deeper. Some of your most favorite foods may not be around for much longer. Climate change is not only making animals extinct, but it hugely impacts agriculture as well. Savor these foods while you still can because they may become endangered foods during your lifetime.

You may have heard of The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, which could be mistaken for a futuristic Stanley Kubrick film set. It pokes out of the side of a mountain in Svalbard, a remote Norwegian archive located near the North Pole. Also called the “Doomsday Vault,” the facility is designed to safeguard against the extinction of many plants considered essential food.

In principle, these crops could prevent humanity’s demise should a global catastrophe occur. Scientists have loaded precious cargo into the vault, the seeds of 825,000 crop plants and counting….Have we missed any endangered foods that you know about? Let us know in the comments section below!

…And Also Check Out: Aging Too Fast? Here Are 13 Delicious Reasons Why

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