11 Foods Rich in High-Fructose Corn Syrup You Really Want to Avoid

Photo by HandmadePictures from Shutterstock

Canned fruit

Canned fruit is a popular snack choice among Americans, and chances are high you’re probably buying it, too, but is it healthy? Even if it contains the word “fruit” in it, it doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Healthy foods can easily become unhealthy due to processing.

The same happens with canned fruit. Because canned fruit is actually peeled and preserved, it strips the fruit of its vitamins and minerals. Plus, the fruit itself contains enough natural sugar, but due to the preservation process, most canned fruit available on the market (if not all of them) pack tons of HFCS, especially those canned in syrup.

A single cup of canned fruit can contain even 44 grams of sugar. Next time you buy canned fruit, make sure it is canned in its natural juice. Even better, opt for the whole fruit instead.

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