10 Dangerous Dieting Fads Throughout History

Photo by Luis Echeverri Urrea at Shutterstock


There are so many diet trends throughout history that haven’t been healthy, but many of these have the added benefit of being dangerous and some downright disgusting! In the 1970s, a doctor called Roger Linn started marketing a supplement called Prolinn, a drink made from basically any animal slaughterhouse leftovers. It had the tragic side effect of giving 58 people heart attacks.

So we conclude that not all diets are created equal, and you should be careful and do your research before dedicating yourself to any of them. We suggest checking in with your doctor before making any changes….As in the case of arsenic, common sense should also be used in making life-changing decisions!

…Found this interesting? You should also read: 15 Odd Colonial American Foods You Wouldn’t Touch

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