Whale Blubber?
Take all that torment of a low-carb diet but add a bunch of whale blubber to it, and you’ve got the Inuit diet. An explorer named Vilhjalmur Stefansson liked his diet on Arctic explorations between 1908 and 1918 so much that he decided to adopt it in his everyday life. It consisted almost exclusively of fish and meat, sometimes with nothing else for months at a time.
For example, “stink fish,” an Inuit favorite consists of fish that’s buried in cans or seal bags in the tundra and left to ferment. Amazed at the Inuits’ ability to avoid scurvy without eating fruits and vegetables, Stefansson brought the diet back to the US and demonstrated an American-ized version that involved eating lots of meat, poultry, fish, and organs like the brain. Surprisingly, this way of eating still has an occasional revival in our country.