10 Vitamin Enriched Foods for a Healthy Diet

vitamin enriched foods
Photo by Sea Wave at Shutterstock

Dark Chocolate

Chocolate is one of the vitamin enriched foods that is obtained from the bean of the cocoa tree. High-quality chocolate is chock-full of minerals, including iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese, and selenium.

Eating dark chocolate can bring you many health benefits. Just don’t forget that the chocolate we’re talking about here is the slightly bitter one that is made up of at least 70% cacao solids.

Green Vegetables

People are repeatedly told to eat plenty of greens. And the reason for this is a no-brainer: these veggies are packed with vitamins!

For example, a single cup of kale will provide you with more than 200% of your daily requirement of vitamin A, more than 100% of your daily requirement of vitamin C, and almost 700% of your daily requirement of vitamin K!

You have many options to choose from in this category of vitamin enriched foods, including broccoli, Swiss chard, asparagus, zucchini, And Brussels sprouts.

Because these vegetables contain enormous quantities of water (0 calories), they are also weight-loss-friendly foods.

You can enjoy these vegetables in various ways: stir-fry them, use them as a base ingredient for soups, salads, and green smoothies or combine them into many other delicious recipes.

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