Scientists List Their Top 40 Most Nutritious Foods

Image By Khrystyna_Pochynok From Shutterstock

15. GREEN PEAS (v) 77kcal – $1.39 per 100g

Individual green peas, sometimes referred to as garden peas, contain high levels of phosphorous, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and dietary fiber. In their earliest cultivation in ancient times, peas were grown mostly for their dry seeds.


14. TANGERINES (v) 53kcal – $0.29 per 100g

An oblate orange citrus fruit. High in sugar and the carotenoid cryptoxanthin, a precursor to vitamin A. It consists of hybrids of mandarin orange and peak tangerine season lasts from autumn to spring.


13. WATERCRESS (v) 11kcal – $3.47 per 100g

We told you not to be confuse cress with watercress as it ranks much higher on our list. It is unique among vegetables, it grows in flowing water as a wild plant and is traditionally eaten to treat mineral deficiency.


12. CELERY FLAKES (v) 319kcal – $6.10 per 100g

Celery that is dried and flaked to use as a condiment. An important source of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. They are popularly used as a seasoning in soups, stews, sausage making and more.


11. DRIED PARSLEY (v) 292kcal – $12.46 per 100g

Parsley or garden parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a species of flowering plant in the family Apiaceae that is native to the central and eastern Mediterranean region. Parsley that is dried and ground to use as a spice. High in boron, fluoride and calcium for healthy bones and teeth.


10. SNAPPER – 100kcal – $3.75 per 100g

A family of mainly marine fish, with red snapper the best known. Nutritious but like the predatory Pike it can carry dangerous toxins.


9. BEET GREENS (v) 22kcal – $0.48 per 100g

Beets were domesticated in the ancient Middle East and were grown by the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, especially for the leaves of beetroot vegetables, which are high in calcium, iron, vitamin K and B group vitamins and riboflavin.


8. PORK FAT – 632kcal – $0.95 per 100g

Strange that the word ‘fat’ would be on this list, and so high up, but believe it or not, pork fat is actually more nutritious than lamb or beef fat, and even some vegetables, as well as a great source of B vitamins and minerals.



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