6. Garlic
Approximately 9 grams of garlic pack:
- Sodium: 1.5 mg
- Potassium: 36 mg
- Phosphorus: 14 mg
Garlic offers us endless health benefits, the ancients knew that as it’s been cultivated for at least 5000 years! From promoting heart health to combating the common cold, reducing blood pressure to preventing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, a handful of gloves can do miracles.
However, garlic is excellent for people with kidney disease because it gives them an alternative to sodium. So, although it keeps your date at bay, garlic will protect you from future headaches. Plus, it also provides high amounts of vitamin B6 and vitamin C, and it has sulfur compounds that can combat inflammation.
What more could we possibly want from a vampire repellent?

7. Buckwheat
Approximately 84 grams of cooked buckwheat have:
- Sodium: 3.5 mg
- Potassium: 74 mg
- Phosphorus: 59 mg
The vast majority of whole grains have a tendency to be pretty high in phosphorus; however, that’s not the case for buckwheat. This gluten-free grain is very nutritious, giving us a good amount of B vitamins, iron, fiber, and magnesium.
As we have previously mentioned, buckwheat is gluten-free, meaning that those who suffer from celiac disease or have a gluten intolerance can safely eat it.