9 Surprisingly Good Uses For Salt

Photo by aksenova_sveta at Shutterstock

Bonus Tips:

Defrosting Windows?

Here’s how to keep the windows in your home or car frost-free with your saltwater solution. Dip a sponge in the solution, wash the inside of your windows with it, and rub them dry. This keeps the windows from frosting up in cold weather. For your car windows, dampen a small cloth bag and fill it with salt. Rubbing this on your car’s windshield should keep snow and ice from gathering on it. The science behind this is that this saltwater mixture freezes at a lower temperature than regular water.

Clean Up Your Dropped Egg

Unless you have a dog, cleaning up spilled eggs off the floor is always a slimy activity. When you miss your bowl or drop the egg on the way to your countertop, cleaning it up is all about salt. As you probably assume, raw eggs don’t really want to stick on paper towels or sponges. Even if they do, it will take a few moves to get things wiped up and clean again. The salt gives the egg something to stick to and makes it easier to pick up. If you drop an egg on your floor, throw some salt over the mess and leave it there for about 20 minutes, and you’ll be able to wipe it right up.

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