8 Vitamin D–Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet During Lockdown

Photo by Davizro Photography from Shutterstock

4. Milk

In addition to being a great source of calcium, 8 fluid ounces (fl oz) of milk has between 115 and 124 IU of vitamin D, the NIH notes. Remember to check the label of your favorite brand for the exact amount. Fortified plant-based milks like almond and soy can give you similar amounts of vitamin D. Some studies suggest that consuming milk may prevent osteoporosis and minimize the risk of fractures.

The best part when it comes to this super drink? It is a versatile ingredient that can be easily added to your diet in a number of ways. Blend milk into a smoothie, use it in your coffee and morning oatmeal or just enjoy a cold 8 oz glass of your preferred fortified milk straight up.

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