8 Foods You Should NEVER Eat at a Buffet Restaurant

Photo by serhiibobyk from Envato Elements

4. The dessert table

When it comes to a dessert buffet, the number of choices you have is infinite. However, this often translates to overeating because the brain doesn’t have the same response to satiety signals from sweets like it does from other types of foods such as protein. Overeating often results in excess body fat, and, over time, it could even harm brain function.

“Desserts, in general, tend to be high in fat, sugar, and empty carbohydrates, and those calories add up faster than you think,” says Gabby Geerts, a registered dietitian at Green Chef. So, the solution to this problem is quite simple: either you pick only one dessert table or avoid the dessert buffet. Are you overeating? Here’s a book that might put an end to the problem.

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