5 of the Best Brain Foods to Improve Memory and Focus

Photo by Gulsina from Shutterstock

5. Dark Chocolate

Yes! Eating dark chocolate on a regular basis can boost brain health! This is actually due to cocoa powder that packs several brain-boosting compounds like antioxidants, caffeine, and flavonoids.

The flavonoids found in dark chocolate can boost memory and learning skills. (Maybe that’s why my mother forced me to eat dark chocolate when I was in high school…)

Studies even say that flavonoids can delay age-related mental decline. In a recent study involving 900 individuals, those who ate dark chocolate regularly scored better in several mental tasks than those who rarely opt to eat it.

So, according to most studies, dark chocolate is most definitely a brain-booster! However, it’s important to choose a dark chocolate bar that has a higher cocoa content, at least 70 percent.

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