24 Foods That Help Fight Arthritis

Photo by Couleur from Pixabay

11. Carrots 

If you want healthier joints, beta-carotene is the solution, and thankfully, carrots are abundant in it. While there’s no recommended daily allowance for beta-carotene, you should get at least 3,000 IU if you’re a man and 2,300 IU if you’re a woman.

Around 100 grams of raw carrots gives you almost 8,300 mcg of this nutrient, so try to add more carrots into your meals. Experts from Johns Hopkins University have pointed out that people with arthritis are actually more prone to have low levels of beta-carotene in the blood. That’s why it is important to add as many sources of beta-carotene as you can.

Other excellent sources of beta-carotene include sweet potatoes, pumpkins, kale, apricots, and even broccoli.

12. Artichoke 

Another inflammation-fighting powerhouse is artichoke. It is also a good source of antioxidants. Regular artichoke consumption can minimize inflammation while alleviating arthritis symptoms, allowing you to get moving again.

Even better, they pair pretty well with almost anything, including other inflammation fighters like black pepper, lemon juice, and, of course, olive oil. And not just your joints will benefit from it, but your overall health.

Artichokes can reduce bad cholesterol levels, regulate blood pressure, boost liver health, aid digestion, and they can even minimize the chances of developing certain types of cancers.

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