18 Healthy Foods Nutritionists Always Swear By

Photo by Larisa Blinova from Shutterstock

5. Avocados

Avocados are found in almost all health articles and for good reasons. Nutritionists are actually glad that more and more people choose avocados on their shopping sprees. They are rich in vitamin C; therefore, avocados will give your immune system quite a boost; they are also packed with many healthy fats that do a number of healthy things for your body.

New York City-based dietitian Aislinn Crovak, RD, CDN, says that avocados are also versatile. You can spread them on your morning sandwiches, or you could easily eat them with some scrambled eggs. Both tasty and healthy!

However, that’s not all you’ll get from eating avocados! According to a plant-based dietitian, Julieanna Hever, MS, RD, CPT, one medium-sized avocado will offer you almost 40 percent of your daily recommended fiber intake.

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