15 Foods That Can Help You Control Your Diabetes

Photo by Maxim Khytra from Shutterstock

4. Eggs

You can safely consume eggs as part of a healthy diabetes diet. Eggs offer excellent health benefits. In fact, they are actually one of the few foods that can keep you full and satisfied for hours. Plus, consuming eggs regularly can lead to a reduced risk of developing heart disease.

First of all, they are able to decrease inflammation in the body. Secondly, egg consumption can translate to improved insulin sensitivity and increased good cholesterol levels. A recent study has shown that a low-carb and high-fat breakfast like eggs could help people with diabetes a lot. It appears that egg consumption can manage blood sugar levels.

Although they often get a bad rap, eggs don’t increase the risk factors associated with heart disease in people with diabetes. Studies suggest that the effect is quite the opposite, meaning that they decrease your odds of having a stroke.

Plus, eggs contain zeaxanthin and lutein as well. Just remember that whole eggs are the best.

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