12 Frozen Foods You Should Avoid at All Costs

Photo by TonelsonProductions from Shutterstock


Do you know what’s even more consumed than burgers in the United States? PIZZA! Americans love pizza, and for good reasons… It tastes amazing! And pizza can be a healthy option as well. But is it? Who opts for spinach and arugula on their pizzas?

Classic pizza recipes can translate to caloric bombs, especially when they are also frozen. Most frozen pizzas contain lots of added salts, trans fats, and preservatives. Just make your own pizza in the comfort of your own home (it’s fun to give each family member a pizza task, especially when you have kids around).

On the other side, Here Are 10 Healthy Frozen Foods Worth Buying!

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1 thought on “12 Frozen Foods You Should Avoid at All Costs”

  1. Absolutely RIGHT….If ya don’t have the time to prepare it fresh, then ya don’t have the time to enjoy it at all….I do freeze leftovers that will be eaten within a week just to have more storage space in the refrigerator for upcoming meal preparation. I will say I do have a side of beef in the freezer as well as some fresh chicken, but this meat is totally raw – no condiments or preservatives used and kept at -4 degrees Centigrade. I’ve never had any issue with thawing and cooking the freezer meat. The cuisine here is very basic and simple. I seldom shop at a popular “grocery store”, but rather the butcher, dairy or bakery – all which are local here.

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