11 Types of Hunger You Probably Experience Every Day

Photo by Olga Nayashkova from Shutterstock

6. Mouth hunger

Yes, we are eating with our mouths (and hands), but if the mouth triggered our hunger in the first place, we have a problem. Some dishes are mouth-watering, and for that reason, only we might fall into a trap, the trap of overeating.

When a dish is drool-worthy, we might feel the urge to satisfy our taste buds and not our “brains.” No matter what your mouth might crave (spicy foods, salty foods, or sweet desserts), it is not real hunger! Your mouth associates food with entertainment, especially when you tend to give your taste buds the best of the best.

How to control it: It’s not that bad to listen and offer your taste buds what they want, as long as you take a bite or two. Don’t let your tongue’s demands overpower you!

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