10 Healthy Frozen Foods Worth Buying

Photo by 5PH from Envato Elements

6. Nuts

For some may sound completely nuts to keep nuts in the freezer. Still, you can. No one stops you, and it is safe too. Walnuts, peanuts, cashews, almonds, Macadamia nuts, or Brazil nuts can be safely kept below freezing temperatures.

In fact, according to the University of California Food Safety, this is how you should keep nuts all the time. If you store them in your refrigerator, they will most likely be edible for up to 12 months, but they are safe to consume for up to two years when frozen.

Keep in mind that room temperature storage promotes insect growth, causing nuts to become rancid faster than normal. To sum things up, whenever you want a healthy snack, look in the freezer! *Ohh, okay, that sounded kind of creepy…

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