10 Exercises That Can Bolster Your Brain Power

Photo by Silatip at Shutterstock

Switch Hands

Your opposite hand can unleash creativity. Your non-dominant hand can be linked to the non-dominant hemisphere in your brain, which is the one that isn’t exercised as often. Some studies show that when you use your dominant hand, one hemisphere of the brain is active. When you use the non-dominant hand, both hemispheres are activated, resulting in thinking differently and becoming more creative. Repetitively using your opposite hand will eventually build up the knowledge and ability to use it with better function.

However, it’s probably not going to become as easy to use as your dominant hand. The parts of the brain that operate effectively for our everyday activities may not be the same part allowing us to be creative. If you’d like to unleash some hidden creativity, try writing with your opposite hand. It is sometimes the nudge our practical brain needs to “move out of the way” for the creative juices to get flowing again!

Well, if you can start doing things with your non-dominant hand, it will force your brain to change perspectives and think differently, which is always an excellent way to make it work overtime. The point is to give your mind new problems to solve.

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