Are These 10 Delicious But Expired Foods Safe To Eat?

expired food
Photo by Valentyn Volkov at Shutterstock

Expired Food: Cheese

A few weeks after the expiration date

Harder cheeses, like Parmesan, are another safe bet even if they begin to show some signs of aging. Once these are past their best-by date, they can start to form a white or blue-green mold on the surface.

Scrape off these molds or even cut the parts affected, and your hard cheese is safe to consume again. The firmer the cheese, the lower the moisture content.

That makes it challenging for bacteria to grow since most bacteria prefer moist environments. The shelf life of cheese depends on where it comes up on the hard-soft scale. Hard cheese like Asiago or Parmesan will last for up to a year in the fridge if adequately covered.

Cheese like Cheddar has a much shorter lifespan, 3-4 weeks at best. Super soft cheeses like Brie and Camembert are even harsher at 1-2 weeks. To extend the life of your cheese, wrap its original packaging up tightly with plastic wrap or aluminum foil before refrigerating.

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