Too Much Protein In Your Diet? Here Are 11 Signs

Photo by fizkes at Shutterstock

Your Performance Is Lacking
When you increase your protein intake, you usually decrease your consumption of carbs or fats. By reducing your carb intake to boost protein, training intensity and performance might suffer. But scientists maintain that higher daily intake at the expense of fat intake could considerably reduce total energy intake, meaning a healthier weight.
Pro tip: Divide your consumption between meals. This way, you have enough room on your plate for energy-boosting carbs and healthy fats in moderation.

You’re Constipated
If you’re feeling backed up, your diet could be the culprit. High-protein/low-carb diets are usually low in fiber. Add that to some mild dehydration, and you’ve got a recipe for constipation. Of course, medicine may help ease your discomfort, but checking your intake and fluid balance is best.
Pro tip: Increase your fluid and your whole grain intake if you are constipated. This may mean backing off on protein until your symptoms subside.

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2 thoughts on “Too Much Protein In Your Diet? Here Are 11 Signs”

  1. I was totally lost. I have most of the symptoms you mention. Constipation being the worst. I thought I was supposed to eat a lot of protein for energy which I still do not have. I also think it was caused by a medicine I take for my diabetes. I was losing weight which I was doing good but have stopped losing and feel bloated.

  2. Great article on high-protein diets. I am so trying to lose 50 pounds (at the age of 75) and I have been leaning toward fewer carbs and replacing them with protein. Good advice. Thank you.

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