Do You Have Horrible Body Odor? These 8 Incredible Foods May Be The Cause!

body odor
Photo by Olga Bondarenko at Shutterstock

Cruciferous Vegetables

Vegetables belonging to the broccoli class, cauliflower included, can affect body odor due to the sulfur compounds in veggies, which are then released through the pores, just like onions and garlic do.

If you like garlic but not the smell in your mouth, you should drink a glass of milk after eating. All cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and kale, are among the healthiest foods you can eat, so don’t stop eating them!

However, even though fresh cruciferous vegetables are all very rich in sulfuric compounds that are actually beneficial for the body, they kind of smell like rotten eggs when you digest them.

These intense sulfuric compounds can make your breath, gas, and even your sweat smell horrible. Luckily, there ARE some ways to reduce these unpleasant smells.

For example, boiling the veggies for a few minutes will remove some of these compounds. You can also mask the scent and reduce your bloating caused by cruciferous vegetables with the help of some herbs and spices, such as coriander, caraway seeds, or that yummy turmeric we’ve all been hearing about.

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