10 Best Brain Boosting Foods All Seniors Need

brain boosting foods
Photo by Natalia Hanin at Shutterstock

Brain Boosting Foods:

Grapes: Every type of grape contains quercetin and anthocyanin. Red wine also has a lot of good phytochemicals, but if you drink more than a glass per day, it may negate the effects.

Tip: Dry Farm Wines in California offers truly organic biodynamic “healthy” wine.

Salmon: Alaskan wild-caught salmon is probably one of the most nutritious brain boosting foods you can eat. Its omega-3 fatty acids will prevent you from brain fog, and improve your memory, mental performance, and behavioral function.

Feeding kids salmon can also help to prevent ADHD by improving their focus. Just keep in mind these benefits are not the case for farm-raised and regular wild-caught salmon because they can be filled with mercury and other toxins.

Be sure to read to the end to hear about some brain boosting ACTIVITIES!

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