8 Gassy Foods That Can Make Your Life A Nightmare

Photo by Brent Hofacker at Shutterstock


Carbonated drinks, including zero-calorie soda or sparkling water, may lead to bloating. And while it doesn’t seem fair, it kind of makes sense. These drinks can add significantly to the amount of air you swallow. Sodas are delicious because of all the fizzing bubbles. And when those bubbles enter your stomach, they can lead to some issues.

The air that gets into your digestive tract has to depart one way or the other. This causes burping and may also increase how much gas you pass. On that same note, even plain water can make you feel bloated. So while carbonated drinks aren’t necessarily “food,” they can make your stomach feel like a giant bubble. Swapping soda for juice, tea, or water, with no carbonation can help you reduce gas.

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