…And Here Are A Few More!
Honey: It has Anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that prevent snoring. Putting honey in hot water or some tea before going to sleep can cure snoring by relaxing the throat and clearing up any congestion.
Ginger: It has an antibacterial AND anti-inflammatory agent and increases your saliva secretion. This helps soothe your throat and prevents you from snoring. Drinking ginger and honey tea is an effortless way to beat that snoring problem.
Soy Milk: This is a much better option than cow’s or any other animal’s milk. Milk from animals stimulates allergic reactions, which can swell nasal passages. People who are lactose intolerant prefer soy milk to prevent snoring.
Pineapple And Banana: Melatonin is a hormone that helps get you to sleep. By improving your sleep quality, you can prevent snoring. Both these fruits are rich in melatonin and can help provide you with uninterrupted deep sleep, which in turn help to stop your snoring.
Try some of our tips out and let us know if they work for you in the comments below!
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